Ndd Blanc 2022 - 1L

Charakter: Fruchtig, lustig
Aromen: Apfel – Melone – Birne – Ananas
Craziness - Faktoren: Bewölkt – Leicht sprudelnd

- Kolumbard
- Gros Manseng
- Chardonnay
- Marsanne
- Roussanne
- Sauvignon Blanc
Ndd Blancvon Fabien Jouves ist ein Liter purSpaß. DerfruchtigWeißwein hat köstliche Aromen vonApfelUndBirneplus einige leichte Noten vonMelone,AnanasUndZimt. Leichtsprudelndam Anfang undsalzigAm Ende! Wir sind froh, dass es in einer 1-Liter-Flasche erhältlich ist, wir können nicht genug davon bekommen!

Fabien Jouves
Wine-making at its finest
Fabien Jouves founded his winery ‘Mas del Périé’ in 2006 and he has been farming biodynamically since 2011. The vineyards stretch from the high slopes of Cahors to the hills of Quercy bringing out different characteristics to his wines. The star of the winery is the grape variety Malbec, the selection of Jouve’s Malbecs is in-fact very wide! Every Malbec is different depending on the soil or the altitude or the vinification. Try them all from his elegant line: ‘Vins de Terroir’, presented with the chic white labels . If you feel like something funny and super drinkable try the other line of wines: ‘Vins de Soif’, you’ll recognise them by the joyful labels.