Il Barrusco Pet Nat

Charakter: Barnyard, fruchtig, lustig, sommerlich
Aromen: Erdbeere – Brombeere – Cassis
Craziness - Faktoren: Bewölkt – Rote Blasen – Barnyard in der Nase

- Barbera
- Neretto
Il Barruscoist ein weiterer köstlicher, lustiger roter Pet Nat von Poderi Cellario.SommerlichAromen vonErdbeere,BrombeereUndCassis. Es ist ein bisschenScheunenhof-artiger Duftzunächst, das nach einiger Zeit verschwindet. Es wird am besten kalt serviert, zusammen mit einer dampfenden, leckeren Pizza!!

Poderi Cellario
Genuine wines!
Poderi Cellario has been producing natural wines for three generations in the Langhe, Piedmont. The family owns 30 hectares of land that, not only includes vineyards, but also hazelnut fields and woods. Fausto and Cinzia’s wines are mostly fresh and light, the Pet-Nats are fun and delicious plus they often come in 1 litre bottles, which is cool! They are all made naturally, with no added sulphites, unfiltered and unfined.